Tuesday 5 April 2016

Wisconsin Primary - Why it's so important.

A lot of lies, misinformation and media propaganda has been everywhere. Ignoring it all. We have something very simple to grasp.

1. If it gets to a convention(it could well do) the GOP establishment will screw over the voters. Karl Rove has said 'bringing in a fresh face' a GOP insider said 'we choose the nomination not the voters' and rumors of all kinds of people from Romney to many others lined up. 

2. The only way to stop it going to a convention is for Donald Trump to win. Ted Cruz cannot get to 1237 unless he gets 75% in New York where ATM he is barely getting 20%

So there is a lot of noise & stuff out there to distract from this reality, but they are your two choices.

1. Allow the people who have let everyone down again and again to have the power to do it again

2. Take it out of their hands.

You may love Trump you may not. But that's why it's vital WI votes Trump today. I would say the exact same if it was Cruz in Trump's position, I hope common sense prevails. Please do the right thing people of WI. A lot of people have voted, have spent time, energy, money invested for months into campaigning. Worked tirelessly, got unreal abuse for supporting certain candidates & for all that to be for nothing, to get screwed over ta the end by elites? I know we're better than that.